Call for change 4
Action Area 1: Education, Training, and Employment Focus Area A: Curriculum Development and Deployment

Promote and support the development of post-secondary courses and degree programs in Indigenous languages.

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Early Steps Taken

First Light: In planning stages

First Light is working on a plan to support Indigenous language learning, access, and use in St. John’s. Relationships are being strengthened between First Voice and other Indigenous organizations in the province to ensure that language revitalization efforts in St. John’s are both aligned with and reciprocally beneficial to the language supports offered elsewhere in the province.

Memorial University is a Partner Organization in First Voice, which will help facilitate action in this area.

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Action Area 1: Education, Training, and Employment

We envision a city where all residents have a sound understanding of the diverse histories and cultures of the Indigenous Peoples of Newfoundland and Labrador and where they mobilize such understanding to close gaps in education and employment outcomes. To realize this vision, we call on all residents of St. John’s to help advance change in the following ways:

Focus Area A: Curriculum Development and Deployment

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Roadblocks Encountered

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Early Steps Taken

Focus Area B: Professional Training and Development

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Early Steps Taken

Focus Area C: Employment Equity

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No Progress Identified

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Early Steps Taken