Call for change 7
Action Area 1: Education, Training, and Employment Focus Area B: Professional Training and Development

Collaborate with professional licensing bodies in essential areas such as health, law, education, and engineering to establish appropriate requirements that encompass antiracism and the histories and cultures of Indigenous Peoples.

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Early Steps Taken

Progress from the Law Society, the Association of Early Childhood Educators, and the College of Physicians and Surgeons

The Law Society of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Indigenous Education and Action Committee (IEAC) continues to work with Indigenous communities to access and promote Indigenous legal traditions and knowledge, to educate members of the legal community, and to collect and promote resources and tools to help ensure the Indigenous cultural competency of members of the bar in Newfoundland and Labrador.

AECENL’s partnership with First Light (see Call for Change 2) is a leading example of a sector-specific organization working with an Indigenous organization to ensure workers in the field have foundational knowledge on Indigenous Peoples. It also shows how sector-specific training and resources can be developed to equip those in that field to work more effectively with Indigenous clients. It is equally important for ensuring that members of the organization are able to share accurate information about Indigenous Peoples in the province with non-Indigenous clients.

The course, “Providing Culturally Safe Health Care for Indigenous Patients in Newfoundland and Labrador,” was developed as a collaboration between instructors in the Faculty of Medicine and Indigenous community leaders and knowledge keepers. This course is now offered for free by the College of Physicians and Surgeons NL and is a mandatory requirement for receiving and renewing a medical license with CPSNL.

For First Voice and its organizational Partners: 

  • Continue making connections with licensing bodies in essential areas, focusing first on those where Action Circles are Established (i.e. justice and health).

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Action Area 1: Education, Training, and Employment

We envision a city where all residents have a sound understanding of the diverse histories and cultures of the Indigenous Peoples of Newfoundland and Labrador and where they mobilize such understanding to close gaps in education and employment outcomes. To realize this vision, we call on all residents of St. John’s to help advance change in the following ways:

Focus Area A: Curriculum Development and Deployment

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Roadblocks Encountered

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Early Steps Taken

Focus Area B: Professional Training and Development

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Early Steps Taken

Focus Area C: Employment Equity

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No Progress Identified

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Early Steps Taken