Action Circles
To ensure that our focus remains sharp and progress continues toward realizing our Calls for Change, First Voice is committed to establishing dedicated Action Circles to advance work on specific Calls for Change or groups of closely related Calls. Unlike standing committees, Action Circles are meant to be flexible and dynamic. They are established by and held accountable to the Partnership Table based on considerations such as strategic relationships, evolving priorities and circumstances, current opportunities, and available resources.
Every Action Circle is required to have clear terms of reference to guide its work. Working in close collaboration with the Partnership Table, which must approve all proposed terms of reference, Action Circles are responsible for defining more detailed goals and objectives tied to their Calls for Change and establishing their own measures of success. Action Circles approach their work in the context of the three common themes that are described in Our Shared Vision. These include culture and storytelling, health and wellness, and truth and reconciliation.

Eligible members include First Voice Partners, Community Advocates, Contributors, and other supporters who have an interest in promoting systemic change and/or who hold decision-making authority with respect to the Calls for Change that are relevant to the Action Circle’s work. All members must be committed to carrying out their work in a way that is consistent with the five values that are articulated in the First Voice Coalition Charter.
Membership is fluid and can change based on an Action Circle’s current needs and efforts toward achieving its objectives. Long-term commitments to participate are not necessarily required of Contributors or supporters.
Current Action Circles
The following Action Circles are currently active and meeting on a regular basis:
- Indigenous Health Action Circle, to advance Calls for Change 5, 6, 18, 25, 27, 30, 31, and 33.
- Indigenous Justice Action Circle, to advance Calls for Change 6, 7, 35, 36, 37, 38, and 40.
In addition, First Light and the City of St. John’s have formed a Joint Coordinating Committee on Indigenous Rights to advance 18 municipal-level Calls for Change.
Past Action Circles
Past Action Circles include the First Voice Working Group on Police Oversight, which has completed its work and delivered its Final Report On October 4, 2022.