First Voice to Release 2024 Reconciliation Report: Steps Taken, Miles to Go

St. John’s, NL – On Monday, September 23, 2024, First Voice will release its first annual Reconciliation Report, providing a comprehensive update on the status of truth and reconciliation efforts in St. John’s. The event will take place at 10am in the main conference space at Signal Hill Campus. Community members, media, and the public are invited to attend. Advance registration is requested.
Entitled Steps Taken, Miles to Go, the report highlights advancements made on the 42 Calls for Change, first published by First Voice as Our Shared Vision in February 2023 following extensive community engagement. The Calls for Change are closely aligned with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Calls to Action, the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) Calls for Justice, and the principles of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).
While progress has been made on several fronts, the report also highlights areas where further action is urgently needed. It celebrates the strides taken thus far and identifies next steps that all residents of the city can take to continue the momentum for change. The report aims to foster accountability and inspire renewed commitment to the shared path toward meaningful reconciliation.
Hardcopies of the Reconciliation Report will be available onsite, with a digital version available online later in the day at
Media Contact
Justin Campbell
Director of Advocacy
First Light St. John’s Friendship Centre
[email protected]
709-726-5902 ext. 207