Call for change 23
Action Area 3: Infrastructure and Service Delivery
Focus Area A: Expanding Cultural Spaces
Promote and support formal Indigenous stewardship of public green spaces in the City of St. John’s, such as parks and gardens.
Relevant international human rights standards include UNDRIP Articles 25, 26, and 29.
Action Area 3: Infrastructure and Service Delivery
We envision a city that reflects the histories and cultures of the Indigenous Peoples of Newfoundland and Labrador and one where members of the urban Indigenous community are able to access essential services free of discrimination. To realize this vision, we call on all residents of St. John’s to help advance change in the following ways:
Focus Area A: Expanding Cultural Spaces
Work with all levels of government to ensure that National Indigenous Peoples' Day is recognized as an official and statutory holiday.
Work with the City of St. John’s to Indigenize place names.
Work with the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador to reclaim Indigenous place names.
Establish a highly visible monument in the City of St. John’s to honour the survivors of residential schools and those who never made it home to their families.
Decolonize policies and regulations in early childhood education to ensure access to culturally appropriate programming. This must include expanded access to land-based programming for Indigenous children.
Focus Area B: Systemic Discrimination
Ensure the full implementation of the City of St. John's commitments under Council’s 2020 Declaration in Support of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.