Code of Conduct
Adopted February 24, 2020 // Updated June 4, 2020
Everyone who participates in First Voice agrees, by virtue of their participation, to comply with this Code of Conduct. This document supplements the coalition’s Terms of Reference by outlining the minimum expectations of all Partners, Contributors, Community Advocates, and other participants who take part in coalition activities.
The minimum expectations for all participants include:
- Demonstrating, through their words and actions, a genuine commitment to the Vision, Values, and Objectives of the coalition;
- Adopting an attitude of cultural humility and a willingness to learn about the Indigenous cultures of Newfoundland and Labrador;
- Engaging in thoughtful discussion by arriving prepared for all meetings, including having reviewed agendas, minutes, and other relevant materials beforehand;
- Contributing to a spirit of collaboration among participants by allowing others the opportunity to express their views in a safe and non-judgmental environment;
- Expressing their own opinions freely, honestly, and respectfully, with the ultimate goal of achieving consensus among participants;
- Sharing their knowledge, skills, and experience generously with other participants in order to ensure that all decisions are made wisely;
- Following through on their commitments in good faith and to the best of their ability;
- Acting in the best interests of the urban Indigenous community; and
- Refraining from conduct that may bring the coalition into disrepute or undermine the trust of their fellow participants.
This Code of Conduct is rooted in the principles and practices of restorative justice, which prioritize relationship-building and non-adversarial conflict resolution. In the event of any real or perceived non-compliance with the Minimum Expectations as set out in this Code of Conduct, a restorative process will be initiated in order to ensure an opportunity to:
- Make amends for any harm that may have been done;
- Restore good relations among all participants; and
- Restore the trust of the broader urban Indigenous community.
Restorative processes may range from an informal conversation to a formal restorative conference. All members of the coalition have an obligation to provide the necessary support and guidance to anyone who participates in good faith in such a process.
The Coalition Coordinator is responsible for implementing this Code of Conduct and ensuring compliance by all participants.