Public Policy

Use the nodes to explore each Call for Change in detail

Education, Training, and Employment

Housing and Homelessness

Infrastructure and Service Delivery

Justice and Human Rights


No Progress Identified

  • 12

    Ensure that demographic data drives program evaluation and delivery of services to the homeless population in St. John’s.

  • 15

    Promote the implementation of a no-discharge-into-homelessness policy by the provincial government.

  • 42

    Seek a formal apology from the provincial government for the legacy of harm that resulted from the exclusion of Indigenous Peoples in the Terms of Union with Canada in 1949. Such an apology must be drafted in full collaboration with all Indigenous groups in the province, including urban Indigenous people, and should become a foundation for establishing a renewed relationship between the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador and Indigenous Peoples in the province.



Early Steps Taken

  • 17

    Support efforts to ensure that Indigenous people and members of other racialized and marginalized communities have access to safe, affordable, and reliable transportation throughout the city.

  • 18

    Promote and support efforts to improve access to safe, stable, nutritious, and affordable food sources for the urban Indigenous community. This includes wild game, country foods, and other culturally significant sources of nutrition.

  • 19

    Decolonize the City of St. John’s municipal plan and all related processes, procedures, and policies, including the heritage bylaw.

  • 28

    Promote and support efforts to repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery and other colonialist concepts such as terra nullius.

  • 30

    Ensure that municipal and provincial policymaking is shaped and informed by appropriate demographic data.

  • 34

    Promote and support the full participation of Indigenous businesses, including social enterprises, in government procurement processes at both the municipal and provincial levels.

  • 37

    Promote and support the availability and use of restorative justice programs.



Work Underway

  • 2

    Promote and support the addition of appropriate Indigenous content in early childhood education, including cultural practices, stories, languages, and land based activities. 

  • 16

    Support provincial and national efforts to implement a guaranteed annual livable income.

  • 26

    Decolonize policies and regulations in early childhood education to ensure access to culturally appropriate programming. This must include expanded access to land-based programming for Indigenous children.

  • 29

    Ensure the full implementation of the City of St. John's commitments under Council’s 2020 Declaration in Support of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

  • 38

    Promote and support the implementation of Gladue reports in sentencing.



Partly Achieved

  • 40

    Advocate for the adoption and full implementation of UNDRIP at all levels of government.



Fully Achieved


Roadblocks Encountered

  • 1

    Promote and support the redevelopment of the K-12 curriculum so that it includes appropriate content on Indigenous histories, cultures, stories, and languages as well as a discussion of colonialism and its legacy in the province. This process must be undertaken with the collaboration of all Indigenous groups in the province, including urban Indigenous people.

  • 36

    Promote and support the implementation of an Indigenous navigator position within the criminal justice and child welfare systems.


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Roadblocks Encountered

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No Progress Identified

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Work Underway

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Early Steps Taken

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Early Steps Taken

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Work Underway

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Early Steps Taken

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Early Steps Taken

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Early Steps Taken

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Roadblocks Encountered

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Early Steps Taken

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No Progress Identified